The Company


FRV Pte Ltd (“FRV”) is incorporated in Singapore was established in 2014. FRV was appointed by Wetling EU as the sole distributor for 25 years for the Wetling WMCS W200 in the United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, India, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Mauritius and Maldives.

The main shareholder in FRV holds the controlling interest in 52% of the Wetling group. FRV works in tandem with Wetling.

FRV’s mission is to bring the WMCS electroceutical to hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and hospices through the use of the Wetling W200 for treatment of most types of wounds, acute and chronic. The spectrum includes burns (1st to 3rd degree), surgical wounds as well as pressure, arterial, venous stasis and neuropathic diabetic ulcers. Faster wound healing reduces cost, the use of infrastructure and improves patient relief.

On the non-profit side, FRV intends to set up a charity to bring the WMCS technology to the less fortunate. FRV will collaborate with other charitable and social organizations for delivery.

FRV’s business model is to work in each country through a committed sub-distributor who has a network in this healthcare space.

FRV will in each country work within the regulatory framework for medical device approval, importation and distribution. It will demand this of its sub-distributers.

Request for trial

If you are a medical professional and interested to evaluate the WMCS technology, please fill in the below form and we will contact you to discuss a trial license for your clinic or hospital.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the Cup.