About WMCS

Fast Wound Healing

Wireless Micro Current Stimulation (WMCS) is a new method within Electric Stimulation (ES) therapy. It allows contactless wound treatment and stimulates the healing process through the induction of the natural ‘current of injury’. This easy to use non-invasive technology has showed astounding results in recent studies and provides a great prospect for improved treatment of both chronic and acute wounds with significant cost savings.

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Chronic Wounds

The dramatic increase in Chronic Wounds (Diabetes Ulcers, Bed sores/Pressure Ulcers etc), especially among the elderly, results in huge costs in health care. WMCS provides an unique opportunity to combat this epidemic, improve the quality of life for these patients and save significant cost for the overall health care system.

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WMCS provides exceptional results with Burn injuries. Visible results can typically be seen already after the first treatment.

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Surgical Wounds

The use of WMCS as a standard post-operative treatment after surgery reduce swelling, shorten healing time and reduce risk of permanent scars and/or pigmentation changes. Thus of great value for the patient, not least in relation to aesthetic surgery.

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The WMCS Technology was invented and is patented by the Wetling Group. FRV serves as the distributor of WMCS in many countries and works closely in tandem with Wetling to bring this new treatment to the market, to improve the quality of life for patients whilst at the same time reduce costs related toWound Management.

If you are medical professional you should familiarise yourself with WMCS for the treatment of:

  • Diabetic Wounds
  • Pressure Ulcers
  • Venous Ulcers
  • Arterial Ulcers
  •  Surgical and other acute Wounds
  • Burns: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Degree
  • Fast healing After Laser Facial Treatments
  • Soft tissue injuries

Request for trial

If you are a medical professional and interested to evaluate the WMCS technology, please fill in the below form and we will contact you to discuss a trial license for your clinic or hospital.

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